Thanks for keeping in touch ya’ll. I have been busy in the city playing music and practicing the new tres I got, a cuban style instrument with double strings. I have tons of new recordings and ideas coming out and really looking to work in a professional studio soon with the musicians of my dreams. For the time being, I have a steady amount of gigs coming through and I’d love for you to make it to one, or all of them! The next one is for MAPP – February 4th in the Mission District at David Kubrin’s house – Pathos House. Please see a MAPP map for details on where. I’m also working on a couple different video ideas right now in hopes to get into some of the local festivals in the coming year. If you would like to get more involved, please email and someone will get back to you soon. Thanks again and have a great 2012. Life was supposed to slow down, but maybe that is after this year… i think so.