Category: Art, Music

Justin Ancheta has been a featured artist at mainstage Yoshi’s with numerous lounge appearances over the years. On February 27th he will be featured at Yoshi’s Lounge stage with two other artists, Mike Gibson & Hadi, 8 pm to 11 pm. Not a show to miss.
After some great shows turnouts in San Carlos, Justin Ancheta is featured the 1st and 4th Thursday of the next two months (February 3rd,24th, and March 3rd, 24th) – 8 pm to 11 pm. Soul Graffiti and Justin Ancheta will be featuring a special guest on March 3rd as well, with a final performance recording on March 24th “Live @ the Flight Lounge” in San Carlos, one of the best wines on the peninsula and Bay Area.

Justin Ancheta @ Yoshi's

Justin Ancheta at Yoshi’s Lounge February 27th 2011

With a new album on the horizon, motivation comes from you all being at the shows and supporting the movement. Thank you for the inspirations. Stay tuned to many happenings at and